Truck Accidents

Call us today for a free consultation: 508-739-2000.

The Law Offices of Dennis J. Ellis and Associates is well versed in the unique characteristics of truck accident cases. We have successfully pursued financial recoveries for private drivers victimized in collisions with commercial trucks and for truck drivers who incurred injuries through no fault of their own.

To talk with a lawyer you can trust to assess your case and accurately examine all possible means of financial recovery for you, please contact us today. We offer a free, no-risk case evaluation informed by decades of car and truck accident case experience.


Sharing the road with all types of vehicles is a clear reality of driving almost anywhere. A significant percentage of serious motor vehicle accidents involve semis, tractor-trailer rigs and other large commercial trucks—and, unfortunately, the consequences can include fatalities or extremely severe injuries.

The Law Offices of Dennis J. Ellis and Associates represents injured clients involved in a wide range of truck accidents, whether the driver of a semi or other large commercial truck is the injured party or the one accused of negligence.

Such situations can involve:

  • Trucker negligence by truck drivers who were inattentive, fatigued, intoxicated, or otherwise at fault in an injury accident
  • Truck maintenance issues relating to poorly maintained or nonfunctioning equipment that has caused injury
  • Commercial transport liability for transport companies employing negligent drivers, failing to maintain equipment, or harboring policies or procedures that encourage violations of safety regulations

Our experience in truck-accident litigation can be essential when accident reconstruction, forensic engineering or other expertise is required to establish the cause of the crash and prove liability. It is also essential when a well-resourced trucking company or parent company mounts an aggressive defense, and when violations of federal regulations specific to trucking are involved.

In such cases we can be a valuable asset in proving your case and securing compensation for your injuries.


At The Law Offices of Dennis J. Ellis and Associates, we are as sensitive to the issues faced by injured truckers as we are to those of other drivers. You can depend on us to consider potential third-party liability claims, such as those related to inadequate truck maintenance or defective parts, and all other available avenues of recovery.

We are committed to resolving your claim in the most cost-effective, timely manner possible. However, if a fair settlement cannot be negotiated, we are effective trial attorneys able to try your case effectively before a judge and jury. Costs of building a complex truck accident case can be substantial, and our law firm has the resources to advance those costs when we believe in your case.

Contact The Law Offices of Dennis J. Ellis and Associates today for a free consultation. Your initial consultation is free of charge and you will pay no attorney’s fees unless we recover compensation for you.

Call us at 508-739-2000 to schedule your consultation today.

We provide services in Spanish and Portuguese for clients not fluent in English.